Our new EURO LIFT V12 truck platform boasts a number of features that will make your work easier, faster and more productive, as it absolutely does not require stabilizers thanks to the "FAST & EASY" system.
Are you a rental or dealer of aerial platforms? Then contact us to evaluate purchase or rental opportunities.
The platform offers a working height of 12 m at a 7 m lateral reach with a load capacity of 120 kg on the basket. It is also compact and extremely handy, so it is easy to move around in tight spaces.
Installed the most modern safety systems for aerial platforms: automatic stabilization system, overload protection and emergency lowering systems.
Equipped with parking aid system with self-centring function.
Le dimensioni compatte, la facilità d'uso e la disponibilità di uno spazio di carico di 500 Kg per allestire la tua officina mobile, ne fanno la soluzione giusta per lavorare in spazi ridotti come i centri storici delle città.
Siamo a tua disposizione per qualsiasi ulteriore informazione o per una dimostrazione.
The compact dimensions, the ease of use and the availability of a 500 kg load space to set up your mobile workshop, make it the right solution to work in small spaces such as the historic city centers.
We are at your disposal for any further information or for a demonstration.